In the modern aviation market, personnel management is a rapidly developing field: approaches are changing, new search tools are appearing, and the functions of HR workers are transforming. Moreover, leading experts in the business aviation market are raising the problem of personnel and personnel management, along with the main brake on the market — supply chain disruption. This important challenge creates the need for conferences and summits all over the world, but local events are what produce the greatest effect and generate the right recommendations based on the economic and political characteristics of a particular region.
Personnel management, or HR management, is an independent discipline within a company. Just like marketing, finance, production, or sales. Managers and specialists interact with the HR department when they need to solve HR-related problems. For example, when there is a need to find a new employee or train a team. What can you expect and require from HR specialists? Why do some companies get by without an HR department? Are personnel records and HR the same thing? And why is it called personnel management if people are managed by their direct managers?
If you don’t know the answers to these questions, you should definitely attend the Fly HR Forum, which will be held in Almaty on May 17, 2024. The Fly HR Forum's organizers have prepared an extensive program involving leading HR experts. For example, a round table will consider the important topic "Recruitment in the aviation industry: a discussion of existing cases, solutions, prospects." The forum will present smart products, and the experience of foreign countries will be discussed in detail. And of course, all participants will get access to an analysis of current HR trends in the industry and beyond.
"Networking, exchanging experience with leading HR experts in the aviation industry, promoting one's corporate brand, and the opportunity to convey one’s values, new knowledge, and competencies in the realm of HR — all these tools will be available to Fly HR Forum participants," according to the forum's organizing committee.
Leading aviation industry companies from Kazakhstan and neighboring countries have confirmed their participation in the Fly HR Forum. Pure Technics, a Kazakh company, will also participate. As part Pure Technics' expanded operations through a planned increase in production volumes, and in view of the observed acute shortage of engineers and technicians in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the company decided to hire mechanics. The personnel training strategy assumes that Kazakh Civil Aviation Academy graduates, having joined TOO Pure Technics as mechanics (NON-CERTIFYING STAFF) and after completing the first stage — hands-on training, namely obtaining relevant work experience under the guidance of the Service Center's authorized engineers (Authorized Maintenance Staff) in the B1 and B2 areas — will proceed to the second stage: training for a type of helicopter or aircraft (Type Rating Training) followed by obtaining the relevant permits for performing independent maintenance as engineers (CERTIFYING STAFF). "Experienced and professional engineers and technicians are a key part of successful development for any Service Center. We hope for support from the Civil Aviation Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in ensuring the replenishment of young, talented personnel. As part of the second stage of personnel training, our company is already carrying out the relevant preparatory work, the results of which we will announce in the near future,” according to Pure Technics.
